Saturday, 26 July 2008

Geometric Piece & Gardening

As promised I am posting the finished geometric piece I have been working on. I feel there is a lot potential for further designs using this technique so this is how I will be working for a while.

Close Up.

I like the dimension of the relief of this way of working. I also like working with both sides of the embellished felt.

Gardening in July.

Well, the last week it has been sweltering, I don't know how I have been coping with the heat as well as working in the garden but it has been worth it once you look at the results.

Van Gogh eat your heart out, beat this for a sunflower picture.

The Californian Poppies have been wonderful this year and I was so thrilled to see this little gypsophelia pop up beside; this was a favourite of my Mother's so I look at it and think of her.
Many of the flowers in the main border self seeded from last year, this is what I like, flowers for free. That lovely cottage garden effect.
I love Morning Glory.
I spent two days tending the strawberry beds, boy did they need tending. Weeding, and training the new runners, I was shattered, I finished 9pm the other evening.
Graham's beloved pumpkin is doing well, should be a good one ready for Halloween.
Last but not least, this is only the second year that I have grown garlic. I have two trays full, like this drying in the greenhouse. We have two crops of onions, yellow and red. Our tomatoes don't seem to be suffering from that awful blight that plagued us last year so lots of pasta on it's way. Must get back to work. BFN Tricia


Ati said...

I like the colors of your felt piece very much.
And thanks for the look into your garden :) boy, garlic from your own garden, that must be good !

Tricks said...

Thanks Ati for the nice comments. Yes, I am rather proud of growing my own garlic. I have already used some, I know I should let it dry first but it smells so good.

Garlic, I believe can give you a long life. All the research shows that it is very good for the heart and it is an internal antiseptic. There fore I will do my best to grow it every year. This little lot should last me quite a while.

We love our garden, we spend more time in the garden than we do in doors at this time of the year. Well, I hope you are enjoying the summer Ati. By for now Tricia

Sara lechner said...

Your piece really looks very interesting and 3-dimensional with all these layers and the stitch is something new I've never seen. I will like to see what you mean with a series because it has many possibilities to be discovered!

Tricks said...

Thanks Sara,
Yes, I really want to continue with a series of circular pieces, it's a way that I can focus which is what I really need at the moment.
The stitches I used I find I am using a lot to edge my work at the moment. I have combined two stitches together to do this, it is a blanket stitch with a chain stitch, but with a difference in that I have couched down a nylon ribbon thread which helps to show the stitches.
I am glad you find it interesting. Cheers Tricia


Hello Tricia, Your felted piece is gorgeous. YOU do wonderful felting. Love you sunflower and California poppies. My sunflowers got eatend by the deer this year. Hugs Judy

Tricks said...

Hi Judy,
Thank you so much for you lovely comments, it is so nice to get some feedback. Sorry to hear about the deer stealing your flowers, that is sad. In a couple of weeks my Grand daughter will be bringing down her new puppy, you can guarantee my garden is going to look rather sad after she has run all over it; I am dreading it, lol. Still it should grow back next year. Cheers Tricia

Kay said...

Your garden is beautiful! I'm so impressed by it because I am so lazy as far as garden work is concerned, and skill-less too, as far as that goes.

Thanks for the comments on my blog.

Tricks said...

Hi Kay,
Thank you for your comments too. I have to be good at gardening if I am to live here I believe. After all I live in the Garden of England - Kent. It is such a beautiful county I have a lot to live up to.

I consider myself to be oh so lucky to live deep in the countryside away from the hustle and bustle of the towns.

I do believe anyone can learn gardening, it just takes patience, and a love of watching things grow. Nature does most of it, I just help it along sometimes.
Thanks again Cheers Tricia