It's just too small!!! I spend half of my time tidying, moving things around to make more room. It may look organised from this first picture but no, there is just far too much in one room.
The problem is that when I want to use something I normally have to shift something out of the way. You see this room is only about 7ft x 8ft and there is a cupboard taking up most of the space.
Yes, I have my lap top and two machines on one desk.
This is the opposite side of the room with the desk under the window. This is supposed to be my drawing desk, huh... hardly! Note the felt pieces laying in a tray at the back. So, does anyone out there have a magic word that makes a space extend??? If you do please let me know. Thanks Tricia
space doesn't extend
it gets filled, but there are black holes that suck up all the rubbish and then deposits it in my flat
Tardis? :-)
thats a small space - dont know the magic word though...extension perhaps?
Oh that's funny, LOL Tell me where your flat is and I'll find the black hole this end. Problem solved. :*)
Oh Good one Guzzisue but only if I can have the fella that goes with the Tardis, that would suit me fine. Cheers Tricia
didn't mean to be completely anonymous ... still getting used to blogging
I did wonder who you were, lol well at least now I know. Thanks for dropping by. BW Tricia
So many tools, so much beautiful material, so much to create, so little space.
Try changing this room with the TV room. Or the biggest room in the house, then you have a ball creating.
It's a great idea Teresa but I don't think I can come up with a good enough excuse for why I should be allowed. My hubby and my son would probably look at me as though I have three green heads, lol. I still like the previous idea about the tardis especially if it comes with the Dr. :*)
Snap. plus i have at the moment got bits in the dining room and on the coffee table in the lounge. I need a house to myself lol. even the garden is being taken over with soggy books for Maggie Greys course. DH thinks ive lost the plot. have a good week
Hi Jean,
I think all us textile artists should rent a big disused mansion together, that way we could have a storage room a sewing room, a drawing room (ha, pun) a huge kitchen to dye things in, a laundry room to dry it all and a large garden to walk together in when we need to find our muse. How's that for an idea. Cheers for dropping by BW Tricia
Sounds good to me, bring it on, or whose going to win the lottery?
Now the mansion appeals. Nothing better than lots of like minded people getting together. We all tend to be so isolated at home. Thank goodness for blogging to share what we do.
I must admit I have rather taken over the whole house - I'm lucky I have a tolerant OH. And yes I could still do with more space!!! The more you have the more you NEED.
Yes Shirley wouldn't it be wonderful for us all to share what we do. What about one of those transporter things that they had on star trek, we could say: "Beam me up Scotty" and there we would be at our beautiful mansion full of like minded people and lots of room. I know, I am now going competely into the realms of fantasy, never mind. You can dream, can't you? Cheers Tricia
Oh Jean, yes alas, it's all in our dreams, never mind, cheers Tricia
I share your problem. My room is a bit bigger but there's a bed in it.
Yesterday I dyed some fabric and then was ironing without moving the dyes and tipped them all over the floor. I had a plain its patterned.I would love a 'wet studio' with two big empty tables...but wouldn't we all.
I think my other comment got lost. I was sympathising with the too much stuff not enough surface thing.
Yes, Jackie, I could easily write a book entitled "The Eternal Frustrations of Claustrophobic Textile Artist!" Lol. Never mind, I do calm down eventually when that sort of thing happens to me. Cheers for the sympathy :*) Triciax
Hello tricia, I see you are organzied as me. I wish I had the space to put my embellisher right next to my sewing machine. To solve my problem of space I have migrated to the sun room, the living room, the basement and on and on. LOL Hugs Judy
Hi Judy,
Me! Organised? No, it's just that if I am to get everything into this 8' x 7' room I have to be organised. It certainly isn't through choice. I dare not wander with my stuff all over the house I'd never find it again, lol. Thanks for dropping by Judy. Cheers Triciax
Hi Paula,
Yes, I used to have one, an extension that is but that is another story. I could so do with it here but never mind I will make do and manage, I'm good at that, lol. Cheers Triciax
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